Monday, April 7

Acquisitions Forthcoming

A momentary reprieve, to delve briefly into the Waking Life side of things.

In the latter part of last week, I had developed a plan of attack for the weekend. With pleasant weather imminent, and an old comrade visiting Columbus -- and by extension, me -- I surmised that this would be a perfect occasion to begin procuring such grown-up things as furniture. To date, the apartment in which I sit has maintained a minimal profile; mostly, it houses me, two computers, and a television that is gathering dust. Two recliners, also gathering dust. A quiet existence, and easy to clean!

The battle plan for the weekend involved the aforementioned friend's assistance in transporting a new sofa as well as a dining table set. Playing grown-up must involve material acquisitions.

Also on the agenda was finding fuzzy company, in the form of two young sibling cats from a nearby shelter (Kia and Legacy, as they are currently known).

Unfortunately, the aforementioned friend was unable to travel to Columbus by way of his broken-down vehicle, and the cat shelter seemed to be unexpectedly closed for the weekend, counter to the information provided via a telephone conversation.

No matter; all things, with time. Efforts will continue!

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