Since last we spoke, there have been a few structural changes around here. Shiny new faces have come and gone; familiar bodies have disappeared, only to resurface again unexpectedly, for which I am grateful. Many wonderful and spectacular foods have been nommed. No major calamities or tragedies to report, for which I am all the more grateful.
In late April 2008, my grandparents were kind enough to provide me with two additional fuzzy roommates. They were fully assembled and ready-to-use, right out of the box, and were pre-packaged with an innate comprehension of how to control me to befit their whims. Mr Wonko and his sister, the foxy Leela -- a justified adjective, once you've seen her poofy ochre tail! -- have been with me now for more than a year. We celebrated their shared birthday on September 23rd, and if their manic behavior is to serve as any indication, I fear the forthcoming Terrible Two's from the favorable duo.

Wonko & Leela, waking from Daily Nap #6.
Earlier this year, it became all the more clear that my will is not my own, as a stray cat took over my mind and forced me to adopt him. Undoubtedly, an effort to ensure that he would live after being struck by a car. Mr Baggins is my third and final roommate; an affectionate but expectedly skittish and paranoid little fellow, with an insatiable appetite and plenty of happy drool when his head is rubbed. His life story is thus far deserving of its own "blog entry."
Mr Baggins, pondering how to regain the usage of his tail.
On other subjects, my car was the victim of an anti-vehicular hate crime -- shot in the night, and left for dead. Fortunately, Money heals the wounds that Time cannot.
I'm still employed. Friends and family still have their health and good natures.
Life plods onward. More to come.